Private Chat

Private Communication Tool For Teams

Quickly reach each employee to keep your team connected and up-to-date with private communication tools. It features total managerial control and administration.

  • Keep your employees informed with real-time business updates. Employees want to be kept informed of all changes on time so they can adjust their work accordingly.
  • With the use of a private chat, you can have an instant messaging conversation with your team and provide them with the information they need.

Monitor the Information

Monitoring the information available to employees on the company chat can be done and monitoring all conversations in real time and sending notifications also.


Chat Access

Chat Access is only available for those currently employed with the company. The purpose of this chat is to make communication more efficient and reduce email clutter.


Secure Media

Secure media is important for many reasons. It is important for the security of the employees who work in the company because they need their privacy as well.


No Need to Save

Many people are used to saving their contacts on their phone directory. But now, there is no need to save your work contacts in your phone directory.

Real Time Clock